Dreams & Reminiscing is one of Vito Bonanno’s favorite series of work. Who doesn’t like to think back to the days of our youth, the happier times when the hardest decision of the day was which toys to play with. Vito engages this self-therapeutic philosophy more out of necessity than pleasure, in a way to keep the constant barrage of thoughts his mind keeps at the ready at bay, or neutralized into a manageable box. All Vito’s life experiences remain in the present, so it gets very crowded in his minds eye. His series, Dreams & Reminiscing documents these many thoughts, hopes, struggles, fears and ideas that flood his head and nightly dreams onto the canvas in bold colors and striking imagery. Each piece is similar yet different showcasing Vito’s reaction to the world at large during the time of its creation.
Originals are for sale, email: Vito@VitoBonanno.com
- Dreams 1, 2020
- Dreams 2, 2020
- Journal, 2020
- Reminiscing 1, 2020
- Reminiscing 2, 2020
- Seaworld, 2020
- Channel 121, 2020
- Brain Clutter 1, 2020
- Brain Clutter 2, 2020