My New Art Studio In Old Saybrook Connecticut & Lots Of New Artworks Available!

I’ve been working on lots of new art since I moved into my new studio in Old Saybrook, CT. It’s great to be setting up my new studio, I had a chance to unpack some artwork that I did not have a chance to finish before I moved, including these two pieces below. All the paint I used for these is gone so I might just get a few new colors and have a go at it!


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My studio would not be mine if it did not have my favorite traffic lights. All these lights were given to me from people who understood my passion and life long love of traffic lights. The first was a gift from a police officer who I met in summer camp when I was 14 years old! That started it all!


art, arte, artist, vito bonanno, mixed media art, outsider art, vito bonanno art, old saybrook, ct, mixed media artist, wynwood, miami, art lovers, art collectors, new haven, hartford, art patrons, art exhibitions, corporate art, collectors, contemporary art, art basel miami beach, art info, art news, visual arts, contemporart artist, art studio


A necessity for my inspiration and also to help keep me calm is my toilet collection (many gifts from friends who understood my love and obsession with them, it has to do with shape and circles), and of course my Ninja Turtles! I have quite the collection of Ninja Turtles. Working on making a place for a bunch of them in the new studio.


vito new apt2


I have a lot of new art pieces available and have been greatly inspired by my new art space, please check out my new work and let me know if you are interested in anything. Browse through my site and see if something catches your eye! Email me for pricing and shipping info at


art, arte, artist, vito bonanno, mixed media art, outsider art, vito bonanno art, old saybrook, ct, mixed media artist, wynwood, miami, art lovers, art collectors, new haven, hartford, art patrons, art exhibitions, corporate art, collectors, contemporary art, art basel miami beach, art info, art news, visual arts, contemporart artist, art studio

Pinky, 2018

India Ink, Paint Pen, Acrylic Pen on Canvas
24″ x 24” x .5”


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